Greetings all my DHOG brothers and sisters,

I hope everyone is doing OK and I’m sure like me ya’ll are looking forward to cooler riding weather. I’m glad everyone who went on the Mena, AR ride had such a great time. I am still greatly disappointed I missed it. Thank you, Todd for putting on a great ride. When’s the next one??

Anyway it has been a good fall so far. Sheri and I had a great trip to Germany, Czech Republic and Austria. Visited a number of HD dealers on the trip and found that no matter where you are in the world of Harley Davidson riders you are with family. From Dallas HD to Fischers Harley Davidson in Vienna, Austria, we are one big happy family and comaraderie is international.  Everyone say howdy to Olga at HD Prague. Great lady, we are glad we met her.

Don’t forget about the Low Rider event this Saturday at Dallas HD. Even if you are not working as a volunteer come out and hang with the family.

Check the web page and Facebook page for other upcoming events and of course the dinner rides, Live to Ride, Ride to Eat, right?

Thanks everyone for participating and making this such an amazing family.
