Greetings brothers and sisters,


Sorry it has been awhile since my last communication with you. As a lot of you know I was on vacation out of the country for a bit. We spent some time in Germany, Norway and Denmark. And of course visited some of the dealerships in Germany. Interestingly enough Harleys are very popular in Germany but not so much in Denmark or Norway. I guess the Scandinavians would rather ride bicycles than Harleys. Go figure. Perhaps it is due to such a high tax rate. In Denmark if you were to purchase a 35000.00 Harley you will pay 35000.00 in tax on that bike! Yes, that is 100% tax rate. But you get everything else free. Health care, College and so on. I saw so many beautiful landscapes on the roads and kept thinking, wow I wish I could ride these roads on my bike.

Well enough about that. I did miss my all of you. My family. It is interesting to me that when you are away from so many great friends how much you really miss all of them. Because we are family.

I have come to find out a few of our family are going through some personal battles with illness or other issues that really stress one’s heart and soul. We are family. Please let’s keep an eye on our brothers and sisters and if someone is in need. We need to be there for each other and for the most part we are but let’s keep it up. Being there means everything. I personally love helping any of my DHOG family with anything. It makes the heart strong. And it feels good.

We ride together and are alive together.


Now, don’t forget the Picnic coming up on June 4th. I hope everyone comes out to hang out and have fun together. Also the St Michaels Car and Bike show on July 8th. There are some prizes for bikes in this show so let’s have a big turnout, please. St Michaels has helped us out so let’s have a good showing. Besides they’ll feed us to. Check out the website and Facebook pages for more details and for upcoming events


Hope I’ll see you all at the next ride…..

